Tell Megiddo
Israel/Jezreel Valley
Armageddon, Tell al-Mu...
32.584622 , 35.183494
Early Bronze Age I, Ea...
Armageddon, Tell al-Mutesellim, Tel Megiddo
Early Bronze Age I, Early Bronze Age III, Middle Bronze Age I, Late Bronze Age II, Late Bronze Age III, Iron Age IA, Iron Age I, Iron Age IB, Iron Age IIA
OpenStreetMaps (
Pleiades (
TM Geo (Trismegistos) (
Gray Burnished Ware (GBW/Gray Lustrous Ware/Esdraelon Ware)
c. 3500 to c. 3300 BCE
Early Bronze Age I
Southern Levantine EBA Red Polished Ware
c. 3500-2500 BCE
Early Bronze Age
Jezreel EBA Fine Pinkish Fabric (FPF) Ware
ca. 2900-2500 BCE
Early Bronze Age III
Southern Levantine Late Bronze Age Egyptianized Wares
c. 1400-1200 BCE
Late Bronze Age II, Late Bronze Age III
Philistine II: Iron Age Bichrome ware
1150 BCE - 1000 BCE
Iron Age I
Late Philistine Decorated Ware (Ashdod Ware)
1000 BCE - 586 BCE
Iron Age II
Israel/Central Coastal Plain/calcareous clay/quartz and tuff
Israel/Central Coastal Plain/red loamy soil/Hamra
Israel/Jezreel Valley/chalky ferruginous marl
Israel/Negev coastal loess
Israel/Northern valleys/rounded sedimentary and volcanic fluvial sands
Israel-Palestinian Authority/Galilee, Jezreel Valley, Central Highlands, Shephelah/calcareous/foraminiferous/rendzina soil
Israel-Palestinian Authority/Southern Coast/alluvial clay/rounded sand and angular silt quartz
Israel/Shephelah/ferruginous clay/calcareous sand quartz silt
Israel/Shephelah, Negev/loess/calcareous clay-calcareous sand