Iron Age I, Iron Age IB, Iron Age II, Iron Age IIB, Iron Age IIC, Neo-Babylonian Period, Achaemenid Persian, Early Hellenistic, Hellenistic, Middle Hellenistic, Late Hellenistic, Late Hellenistic-Early Roman, Early Roman, Herodian, Late Roman, Byzantine, Early Islamic - Umayyad/Abbasid/Fatimid, Late Mamluk-Early Ottoman
The geological stratigraphy of the Shephelah is primarily composed of white chalk with chert lenses covered by a thick calcrete crust, known locally as nari. The chalk is of the middle Eocene Age, being the Shephelah group Maresha and Adulam members of the Zor‘ah formation. Relics of Neocene and Pleistocene sediments cover the Shephelah group by the following formations: Ziqlag, composed of bioclastic limestone and coralline and algal reefs; Beit Nir, composed of conglomerate altered to nari; Pleshet (in the lower Shephelah), composed of Calcareous pebbly sandstone; Ahuzam and Nahshon, composed of conglomerate of river terraces.
Oren Ackermann.2011.Environmental Background: Conditions of the Area in General.pp:5
Persian period (fifth-fourth centuries BCE), Early Hellenistic period, turning into the squared, triangular profiled rims toward the second half of the second century.
Debora Sandhaus. "The Typology of the Pottery from the Hellenistic, Roman and Later Periods " in The Excavations of Khirbet er-Rasm, Israel. The changing faces of the countryside , ed(s). Avraham Faust and Adi Erlich. BAR International Series 2187 Oxford: Archeopress, 2011, 105-134
, Page(s) 106-130.
, Page(s) 134-144.
, Page(s) 145-148.
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Site: Khirbet er-Rasm (Israel/Shephelah), Contributor(s): ; The Levantine Ceramics Project, accessed on 17 February 2025,