Diocaesare, Diocesarea...
32.73219925 , 35.27335992
Roman, Late Roman, Byz...
Diocaesare, Diocesarea, 'Enot Zippori, 'En Zippori, Moshav Zippori, Saffuriyye, Tzippori
Roman, Late Roman, Byzantine
This birds-eye view shows the two pools that were a primary focus of an excavation at this site (Porat 2005)
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Late Roman Amphora 1 (LRA 1)
4th - 8th centuries CE
Late Roman, Early Byzantine, Byzantine, Late Roman
Calcareous clay/overfired with mica silt/pyroxene-tempered
Lebanon/Southern Coast/Neogene Marl/Quartz Inclusions and Marine Biogenic Debris
Rough Cilicia/red clay/red mafics, foraminifera, limestone, igneous rock