Khirbet el-'Eika
32.8029605 , 35.45220368
Hellenistic, Middle He...
Hellenistic, Middle Hellenistic
Phoenician Semi-Fine ware
6th century BCE - 1st century CE
Iron Age III/Achaemenid Persian, Hellenistic, Early Roman
Southern Phoenician Persian-Hellenistic Sandy Cooking Ware
5th century BCE - 2nd century CE
Achaemenid Persian, Hellenistic, Roman
Galilean/Golan Hellenistic handmade coarse ware
late 3rd-mid 2nd c. BCE
Middle Hellenistic
Black-Slipped Predecessor (BSP)
2nd century BCE
Galilean Hellenistic Tan-Gray marl ware
2nd - 1st centuries BCE
Late Hellenistic
Israel/Northern Coastal Plain ferruginous/quartz and biogenic sand
Lebanon/Southern Coast/Neogene Marl/Quartz Inclusions and Marine Biogenic Debris