Egypt/Upper Egypt
Koptos, Qift
25.996402 , 32.815787
Hellenistic/Ptolemaic, Roman, Middle Roman
Coptos, University of Michigan excavation areas (Herbert and Berlin 2003, p. 16)
Coptos, University of Michigan excavation areas (Herbert and Berlin 2003, fig. 4, p. 17)
Coptos and the Eastern Desert, Egypt 1987–1995 (
Digital Atlas of Roman and Medieval Civilizations (
OpenStreetMaps (
Pleiades (
TM Geo (Trismegistos) (
Upper Egyptian Marl Common ware
6th century BCE - 1st century CE
Late Period, Hellenistic/Ptolemaic, Roman
Ptolemaic-Roman Red-Slipped Nile Silt ware (Middle-Upper Egypt)
4th century BCE - 1st century CE
Hellenistic/Ptolemaic, Early Roman
Ptolemaic Nile Silt Cooking ware
late 4th - early 1st centuries BCE
Ptolemaic Black Slipped ware
later 4th century BCE - early 1st century CE
Hellenistic/Ptolemaic, Roman
Egyptian Chaff-tempered Handmade Ware
3rd mill. BCE - early 1st centuries BCE
Old Kingdom, First Intermediate Period, Second Intermediate Period, Third Intermediate Period/Saite, Late Period, Hellenistic/Ptolemaic
Aswan Ptolemaic-Roman Common ware
2nd century BCE - 3rd century CE
Eastern Sigillata A (ESA)
late 2nd century BCE - 2nd century CE
Hellenistic, Roman
Ptolemaic-Roman Bichrome Nile Silt Cooking ware
late 2nd - early 1st centuries BCE
Egyptian Marl Thin-Walled ware
1st century CE
Nile Silt Thin-Walled Ware
Egyptian Red Slip A (ERSA)
1st - 6th centuries CE
Roman Nile Silt Cooking Ware
Upper Egyptian Roman-Byzantine White Marl ware
Southern Jordan Roman-Byzantine Plain Ware
2nd c. - 6th or 7th c. CE
Middle-Late Roman, Byzantine
Ptolemaic Knidian Grey Ware
Egypt/Upper/Aswan Pink/Kaolinitic/Fine