Petrographic sample: Tel Zeror 13, 6241/6.TS

Vessel Registration Number:

Tel Zeror 13, 6241/6

Tel Zeror

1200 BCE - 1000 BCE

Israel/Central Coastal Plain

Iron Age I


The clay is carbonatic, silty (~10%), tan in PPL with some iron oxides. The silt is mostly quartz but, also contains some feldspars and shell fragments. The inclusions consist mainly of well-sorted sub-angular quartz sand (~30% up to 200 µm), poorly-sorted lime stone, which is common and its sizes range from sand size to huge chunks. Also seen are eroded kurkar fragments, algae fragments, foraminiferal-chalk, sea shells and other micro-fauna

Thin Section Photos  1

Tel Zeror
1200 BCE - 1000 BCE
Iron Age I

Break Photos  0

Vessel Images  0

Petrographic Sample

clays from wetlands of Pleistocene–early Holocene period – Sharon to Carmel coast

Associated Kiln/Workshop

Associated Ware/Ware Family