Vessel Registration Number:

'Akko HC 130392/3

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638 - c.1299 CE


Israel/Northern Coastal Plain

Early Islamic - Umayyad/Abb...



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very a ferruginous-argillaceous matrix containing some poorly sorted silty quartz and sporadic ore component varying from minute (0.02 mm) rounded opaque particles to even sand size grains (ferruginous ooliths and/or their fragments). The main tempering material is poorly sorted quartz, with rounded to angular grains that range in size between 0.1 and 0.5 mm, comprising about 12% of the volume of the sherd and seems to be of the same origin as the quartz present in the matrix. Some of the coarser quartz grains have iron oxide coatings. There are also some chert and decomposed carbonate grains and sporadic epidote, although not in all the examined samples. No feldspars were found in the thin-sections. Firing temperature is estimated at 80...

Thin Section Photos  2

638 - c.1299 CE
Early Islamic - Umayyad/Abbasid/Fatimid, Crusader-Frankish/Ayyubid/early Mamluk

638 - c.1299 CE
Early Islamic - Umayyad/Abbasid/Fatimid, Crusader-Frankish/Ayyubid/early Mamluk

Break Photos  0

Vessel Images  0

Petrographic Sample

Lebanese Coast /


ferruginous-argillaceous matrix

Associated Kiln/Workshop

Associated Ware/Ware Family

12th - 13th centuries CE
