Petrographic sample: Bet Zeneta 004

Horbat Bet Zeneta

13th c. CE

Closed vessel




The fabric is dolomitic, dark, silty, and single-spaced with ~25% voids. The non-plastic inclusions are: 25% sub-angular to sub-rounded to rhomboid dolomite (worn, 40-400 μm), 5% angular quartz (30-80 μm); some: sub-angular to sub-rounded chalk/calcareous concretions (150-600 μm).

Thin Section Photos  1

Closed vessel
Horbat Bet Zeneta
13th c. CE
Crusader-Frankish/Ayyubid/early Mamluk

Break Photos  0

Vessel Images  0

Petrographic Sample

Sakhnin formation and the rendzina soils of the inner region of the western Galilee (?) /

dolomite, quartz

Local group 5a (Gabrieli et al 2014)


Associated Ware/Ware Family

10th c. - 20th c. CE

Middle-Late Islamic/Mamluk, Later Islamic - Fatimid/Mamluk, Ottoman, Ottoman