Petrographic sample: Kinrot 002

Vessel Registration Number:

Tel Kinrot 7785/4

Tel Kinrot, Tell el-‘Oreimeh

1100 - 1000 BCE



Iron Age IB



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This petrographic sample—represented by this and two other bell-shaped bowls from Tel Kinrot (Martin 2017: Table 11b: 108–110)—is characterized by yellowish-brown to orange-brown and brown, inactive, highly calcareous clays. The matrix is very sparse in quartzitic silt (up to 1%) and contains iron oxides and some scattered foraminifera. The most frequent (10% of the slide area) non-plastic component is poorly sorted, angular to sub-rounded basalt and basalt-derived (pyroxene) sand that appears in a grain size of up to 1200 µm. Poorly sorted calcareous sand—micritic and rarely sparitic limestone—appears less commonly (5%; up to 1250 µm). Rarer inclusions (1%) are fine to medium (up to 375 µm) quartz...

Thin Section Photos  4

Tel Kinrot
1100 - 1000 BCE
Iron Age IB

Tel Kinrot
1100 - 1000 BCE
Iron Age IB

Tel Kinrot
1100 - 1000 BCE
Iron Age IB

Tel Kinrot
1100 - 1000 BCE
Iron Age IB

Break Photos  0

Vessel Images  0

Petrographic Sample

Israel / Tel Kinrot

Basalt, limestone, quartz, pryoxene

PG 10 (Martin 2017)

Highly calcareous clay

Associated Kiln/Workshop

Associated Ware/Ware Family

1150 BCE - 1000 BCE

Iron Age I