Petrographic sample: Lejoun 001

Vessel Registration Number:

Lejoun (A-5320) L:140 B:1113-1 DB:791

Megiddo - Legio/Lejjun

14th - 15th c. CE


Israel/Jezreel Valley

Middle-Late Islamic/Mamluk


The fabric is silty and single/double-spaced, comprised of marl/shale and slightly optically active, with ~15% voids. The non-plastic inclusions are: 20% foraminifera (30-250 μm), 15% sub-angular to sub-rounded shale (100-1100 μm), 3% sub-angular to angular quartz (20-150 μm); some: sub-angular to sub-rounded chalk/calcareous concretions (50-180 μm), sub-rounded to rounded opaque minerals (20-80 μm), sub-angular basalt (150-300 μm).

Thin Section Photos  1

Megiddo - Legio/Lejjun
14th - 15th c. CE
Middle-Late Islamic/Mamluk

Break Photos  0

Vessel Images  1

Megiddo - Legio/Lejjun
14th - 15th c. CE
Middle-Late Islamic/Mamluk

Petrographic Sample

Western Galilee (?) /

Foraminifera, shale, quartz

Local group 1a (Gabrieli et al 2014)


Associated Petrofabric

Associated Kiln/Workshop

Associated Ware/Ware Family

1250-1900 CE

Middle-Late Islamic/Mamluk, Later Islamic - Fatimid/Mamluk, Ottoman, Ottoman