Petrographic sample: AZK 77521/1

Vessel Registration Number:

AZK 77521/1

Tel Azekah

2000 BCE - 1500 BCE

Cooking pot


Middle Bronze Age

Cooking/Food production


The fabric is brown under PPl non-calcareous, slighly optically active and silty (~20%). Elongnated voids in teh core due to the pressure or leaving the organic tempers. The silt is composed of mainly sub rounded quartz and a few fragments of feldspar and pyroxene. The non-plastic components are composed of quartz (20%) and clacareous rocks (15%). A few coarse of shelle (not kurkar) and mollusc.  

Thin Section Photos  6

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Cooking pot
Tel Azekah
2000 BCE - 1500 BCE
Middle Bronze Age

Cooking pot
Tel Azekah
2000 BCE - 1500 BCE
Middle Bronze Age

Cooking pot
Tel Azekah
2000 BCE - 1500 BCE
Middle Bronze Age

Cooking pot
Tel Azekah
2000 BCE - 1500 BCE
Middle Bronze Age

Break Photos  2

Cooking pot
Tel Azekah
2000 BCE - 1500 BCE
Middle Bronze Age

Cooking pot
Tel Azekah
2000 BCE - 1500 BCE
Middle Bronze Age

Vessel Images  2

Cooking pot
Tel Azekah
2000 BCE - 1500 BCE
Middle Bronze Age

Cooking pot
Tel Azekah
2000 BCE - 1500 BCE
Middle Bronze Age

Petrographic Sample

Israel: Southern Coastal Plain /

Quartz and Calcareous Fragments

Associated Kiln/Workshop

Associated Ware/Ware Family