Petrographic sample: Kilise Tepe KT-39 PS

Vessel Registration Number:

Kilise Tepe KT-39

Kilise Tepe

1500 - 1300 BCE


Turkey/Eastern Mediterranean

Late Bronze Age



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Estimated volume percentage of inclusions: 6% quartz, 4% micritic limestone, 3% dark-red opaque inclusions.

This sample typologically belongs to the bowl with handle type of RLW. It evidences fabric features close to the fine fabric-group (FF), particularly its clay matrix. It also contains dark-red opaque inclusions, which were recognized as a typical inclusion in the FF-group, as well as other fabric groups. However, KT-39 contains a higher proportion of quartz inclusions than the fine fabric-group (FF), c. 8% in volume. Quartz inclusions are fine fragments with an angular and subangular shape, and display a serial distribution within their matrix; they are obviously of natural occurrence, as they are also present in the mat...

Thin Section Photos  1

Kilise Tepe
1500 - 1300 BCE
Late Bronze Age

Break Photos  0

Vessel Images  0

Petrographic Sample

Turkey / Eastern Mediterranean

Outlier (Kibaroğlu et al 2019)

Alluvial red clay

Associated Petrofabric

Associated Kiln/Workshop

Associated Ware/Ware Family

c. 1550-1200 BCE

Late Bronze Age