Petrographic sample: Dan 12.TS

Vessel Registration Number:

Dan 12

Tel Dan

1200 BCE - 1000 BCE


Israel/Hula Valley

Iron Age I



The fabric is silty (~20%), tan in PPL with some silt (10-15%). The silt contains mostly quartz and some limestone and silt-size opaque bodies. The a-plastic components include shale fragments (50µm to 1mm), dissolved chert with microfossils (up to 500 µm), well-sorted sub-rounded limestone (~100µm) and moderately-sorted sub-angular to angular quartz (50-100 µm).

Thin Section Photos  1

Tel Dan
1200 BCE - 1000 BCE
Iron Age I

Break Photos  0

Vessel Images  0

Petrographic Sample

Associated Ware/Ware Family

3200-c. 550 BCE

Early Bronze Age, Middle Bronze Age, Late Bronze Age, Iron Age