Petrographic sample: Paphos inv. 3403 TS

Vessel Registration Number:

Paphos Theatre inv. 3403

Paphos/Nea Paphos

10th-12th c. CE

Cooking pot

Cyprus/Western South Coast

Late Byzantine

Cooking/Food production


Characterisedby quartz feldspar intergrowths (QFI), sometimes crushed and added as temper, sometimes as larger irregular aggregates, probably an original constituent of the raw clay. Other temper constituents may include quartz, feldspar, pyroxene, grog and opaques.

Quartz feldspar intergrowths are likely to be derived from the deep-seated basic and ultra-basic rocks exposed in the upper parts of the Troodos mountains. Their presence thus suggests a Cyprus origin.

Thin Section Photos  1

Cooking pot
Paphos/Nea Paphos
10th-12th c. CE
Late Byzantine

Break Photos  0

Vessel Images  1

Cooking pot
Paphos/Nea Paphos
10th-12th c. CE
Late Byzantine

Petrographic Sample

Cyprus / Troodoos Mountains

quartz, feldspar, pyroxene, grog and opaques

Associated Petrofabric

Associated Kiln/Workshop

Associated Ware/Ware Family